
Guidelines For Dog Bite Lawsuits In California

If you were recently bitten by a dog, then you might have looked into the possibility of filing a lawsuit. However, you want to make sure that you are as prepared as possible before you make any serious commitments. Laws can vary dramatically from state to state, which means that you need to have all the facts in your own state before you dive in. To help out with that, here are some of the laws that you will encounter when filing in California: Read More 

3 Reasons To Use A Trust In Your Estate Plan

When most people think of an estate plan they think about a will. A will has historically been used as the main document in an estate plan. However, sometimes a trust is by far the best way to distribute your wealth, property, and assets. Here are some reasons to use a trust in your estate plan. 1. A Trust Avoids Probate A will has to go through probate when it is executed. Read More 

The Rules Of Search And Seizure: What You Need To Know

In the United States, there are a number of limits that are placed on police forces by the 4th amendment. Searches and seizures are not something that police can do willy-nilly, whenever they deem it fit. There are certain situations in which police cannot perform searches and seizures, and if they do, the evidence which they have discovered may be inadmissible in a court of law. What are these rules and restrictions, however? Read More 

How Should Electrical Meters In A Rental Unit Be Set Up?

Most people just pay their electric bill each month without ever thinking about it other than a little groaning. But, if you live in an apartment building or other multi-family structure, do you know what's hooked up to each meter? If you're a landlord, do you know if your electrical meters are legal? Here's the law on electrical meters so you can avoid legal trouble. Every Unit Must Have Its Own Meter Read More 

The Personal Injury Lawsuit Statute Of Limitations In Minnesota

If you have been injured, then you might be relying on an insurance claim to get compensation. After all, medical bills and mental suffering can add up to quite a bit. However, your insurance claim might not necessarily be your best option. Instead, you might want to think about whether a personal injury lawsuit is right for you. To help you weigh your options, you should be aware of a variety of laws in the state in which you are planning to file. Read More